MRAA issues call to action on dealer exemption

May 2010 News

The Marine Retailers Association of America is calling on its members to support inclusion of boat dealers in the final version of the financial reform legislation.

The Brownback motion to instruct passed the Senate Monday with a 60-30 margin and significant bipartisan support. However, the motion to instruct is non-binding.

"We will have to work aggressively to ensure that marine dealers are represented in the conference committee," the MRAA says.

Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) is circulating a letter to senators for their signatures. The letter calls upon Senate Banking chairman Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) and House Financial Services chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) to include boats and RVs in the final conference agreement.

"We need you to mobilize your members, contacts and colleagues to urge your senators to sign Bill Nelson's letter. This needs to be a bipartisan letter with a solid list of Senate signatories," the MRAA said. "The deadline for signatures is this Friday, 2 p.m.

Click here for a list of Senate offices and contact information.

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