Pontoon & Deck Boat Leading Customer Service Manufactures

September 2012 News

The National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) recognized recipients of the 2012 Marine Industry CSI Awards. Many pontoon and deck boat manufacturers were recognized for excellence in customer satisfaction.

The Marine Industry CSI Awards program honors participating manufacturers that actively measure customer satisfaction and continuously try and improve their customer service. Award recipients achieved and maintained a 90 percent or higher in customer satisfaction surveys over the past year.

Participating manufacturers were required to survey all owners that purchased a boat or engine during the last year. More than 32,000 consumers were surveyed nationwide.

 "It is an honor to recognize these manufacturers for their outstanding focus on the creation of quality products and an enjoyable customer experience," notes Terry Leitz, NMMA's director of CSI programs. "Recipients of the CSI Awards are leading the recreational boating industry forward by ensuring feedback from their customers is an integral part of their planning and manufacturing functions."

The following companies are being honored with 2012 CSI Awards for their efforts to increase customer satisfaction levels in the boating industry:


Pontoon Boats


Bennington Marine

Cypress Cay

Forest River Marine

G3 Boats

Godfrey Pontoons

Harris Flotebote

Lowe Boats

Manitou Boats

Palm Beach Marine Craft

Premier Marine


Deck Boats

Chaparral Boats


Lowe Boats

Regal Marine

Sea Ray Boats


Congrats to all of these manufactures for keeping customer service a high priority and being recognized as some of the best in the biz. It's a great time to go pontooning! 

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