What’s Unique About Unique Pontoons?

July 2017

Imagine you’re at the launch ramp. Normally you’d be mentally running through your checklist of everything you need to do, as quickly as possible so you don’t hold up the line behind you. And that list is nothing small. But today all you do is back your boat into the water and drive back out again.

Come again?

Contrary to what you may think, this isn’t a wishful daydream. With the line of expandable Unique Pontoons that come with a built-in trailer, it’s now a reality. And it’s all thanks to the vision and dedication of Jeremy Little and his father, Mark.

“Over ten years ago, my father and I were looking at different boats, and we were like, ‘Well, you can buy different lengths, but why are they all 8 1/2 feet wide?’” Jeremy points out. 

To read the complete story, click here.

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