New Youth Grant Announced

June 2007 News
West Marine, the country's favorite  retailer of boating supplies and accessories, today announced the launch of its 2007 Youth Boating Grant program. Non-profit organizations with a youth boating focus are eligible for grants that provide personal flotation devices (PFDs), race marks and selected supplies to programs with a youth boating component.

"West Marine encourages young people to enjoy boating as a recreational activity that's both fun and educational, notes Randy Repass, Founder and Chairman of West Marine. "Boating teaches crucial life lessons ranging from responsibility, safety and sportsmanship to the pleasures of being outdoors and the need to take care of our environment."

West Marine's Grants Program has donated nearly four million dollars to non-profit organizations.  For more information or to apply for a West Marine's 2007 Youth Boating Grant, visit

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