Public/private partnership to spread "Ethical Angler" message

September 2008 News
BoatU.S. Chairman and Founder, Richard Schwartz, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director H. Dale Hall signed a memorandum of understanding, agreeing to utilize the code as a public outreach reminder that recreational anglers are partners in fishery conservation.
"The Ethical Angler is designed as a tool to reach anglers, fishing clubs and the general public with this message," Schwartz said. "By upholding the code of The Ethical Angler, we remind ourselves that sport fishing is a great tradition, and that each of us has a role to play in conservation and responsible fishing."
BoatU.S. plans to make The Ethical Angler the conservation centerpiece for its BoatU.S. Angler membership program, which offers services, supports safe boating efforts and helps protect the interests of boat-owning anglers. The Ethical Angler campaign's seven-point code of responsible fishing practices is based on the word "A-N-G-L-E-R-S":

void spilling and never dump gasoline, oil or other pollutants -- on land or in the water.
ever leave trash behind, including worn line, old hooks and bait, and practice recycling.
ain knowledge about aquatic nuisance species and how to help prevent their spread.
earn and abide by all fishing regulations and boating laws.
ducate fellow anglers and especially new participants about fishing ethics.
espect private property and the rights of other anglers and outdoor recreationists.
ave fish for tomorrow by practicing conservation and learning proper catch-and-release techniques.

Director Hall said, "Anglers and boaters are some of our nation's most avid conservationists, and the principles of The Ethical Angler creed are values that they live by everyday. By joining with BoatU.S. in this effort, the Service will help spread the word about the ways young and old alike can enjoy nature while helping conserve our fisheries and aquatic resources for future generations."
The BoatU.S. Angler membership program is part of the nation's largest association of recreational boaters, Boat Owners Association of The United States. For more information, go to or call (866) 906-0013.
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