Coast Guard Foundation Announces "One In A Million" Campaign

June 2009 News
The Coast Guard Foundation, a non-profit organization committed to the education, welfare and morale of all Coast Guard members and their families, has launched its Are You One In A Million? campaign in conjunction with its 40th anniversary celebration of service to the United State Coast Guard.

The Coast Guard has rescued more than 1 million people since it was established in 1790. Honoring the heroic efforts of service men and women throughout history, the Foundation's Are You One In A Million? project strives to capture and highlight the unique and diverse stories, and personal impact, of over one million successful missions of bravery and courage.

A website has been created to collect accounts of rescues from individuals who lived another day because of the bravery of the Coast Guard, as well as families with stories of a heroic rescue that have been passed down through generations. Individuals can submit and view stories at:
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