Product Test: Rapid Ice

Published in the September 2012 Issue September 2012 PDB Tested

If you don't own a drink koozie then you've probably never been to a boat show or a dealership because it seems like someone is always handing one out. A regular koozie is designed to keep your drink cool, but all it really does is just slow down (slightly) the process of your favorite beverage getting warm.

Rapid Ice by Cork Pops is a lot different because for starters it actually makes an effort to actually cool your drink instead of just prevent warming. It chills a bottle of beer or water in five minutes and can keep it cold for up to three hours. During the warm summer months, we were happy to get our hands on this product to test to make sure it would keep our drink cold.

The specially-formulated liquid inside the Rapid Ice freezes solid and is ready to use when placed in the freezer for several hours. It's flexible and virtually unbreakable and fits standard sized bottles or glasses. We tested two versions, the Rapid Ice Water Cooler and the Rapid Ice Beer Cooler. They're exactly the same size, but one is a more conservative blue water print on the outside, while the beer version actually looks like a mug of beer. With a retail price of $9 and available nationwide at countless retailers, it's really not a bad idea to keep a couple in the freezer so it will be ready for your next trip on the water. You could use it for cans, but it would probably be too bulky and hard to grip, but with a taller bottle it's not an issue.


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