Because of the constantly moist environment, many areas on a boat rarely dry thoroughly, even when drained and sitting on a trailer. Livewells, bait buckets, fish boxes and coolers can all develop algae, mold and mildew, and start smelling funky. Iosso Products' Live Well Cleaner is an environmentally-friendly and biodegradable solution that removes the toughest stains, leaving surfaces clean and fresh.

Innovative Live Well Cleaner is chlorine-free and doesn't change the pH, so it's fish safe. Equally effective on blood and other tough stains, it won't leave a hard-to-rinse residue like some cleaners.
Using Iosso's Live Well Cleaner couldn't be easier. It's poured directly into a tank or bucket of water. After letting the chemical action work, a light scrubbing may be needed to remove built-up staining. It can be circulated to clean pumps and tubing. The biodegradable solution is then drained and the surface rinsed. It can even be used to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species.
Professional Fishing League Worldwide competitor Kyle Weisenburger knows the value of clean equipment. He uses Iosso Live Well Cleaner to remove stains and algae from his boat, and get his bait and fish wells smelling fresh and sparkling clean.
A 4 oz. container of Iosso Products' Live Well Cleaner costs $5.95.
For 35 years, Iosso Products has manufactured innovative solutions to life's toughest cleaning problems. Its quality products are widely used by boaters, RVers, pilots and those in the shooting sports.
Contact Iosso Products, 1485 Lively Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007. Toll-free 888-747-4332.;